Catholic Community ServicesVolunteering

Touch a life. Share your love.

When you volunteer at CCS, you put your faith into action. Whether you have a few hours to share or many more, you make a difference in the life of a child, a family, or an adult in need.

Here’s how you can help.


Volunteer Opportunities with Pio Decimo Center

Volunteer Tax Preparer

  • No Experience Necessary
  • FREE Tax Law and Software Training provided
  • Become IRS-Certified to Prepare Tax Returns
  • Boost the Income of Low-Income Families
  • Bring money back into the community
  • Work an average of 6 hours a week during tax season (Jan. – April),
  • Prepare simple tax forms (no businesses) for low/moderate income filers
  • Need reviewers before e-filing

Greeter/ Screener:

  • Attend pre-tax season greeter training and orientation.
  • Sign clients in at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites.
  • Interview clients to make sure they have all documents needed to get their taxes done.
  • Use check in process for clients who are dropping off taxes to be done later.
  • Use screening tools to assign clients to tax preparer based on level of skill needed to properly prepare the return.
  • Monitor waiting room activities, assisting clients with completing paperwork, locating their place on the waiting list, and answering general (non-tax) questions.


  • Provide translation assistance for Spanish-speaking clients
  • Assist Spanish-speaking clients with filling out intake forms, as needed

Contact Rita Camacho 520-622-2801 x7105

Microloans, Financial Education, and Asset Building

Help individuals and families achieve financial stability. Volunteer mentors and workshop presenters are needed to help individuals with financial management, goal setting, and personal development.

Contact Liz Thomey by email liz@ccs-pio.org or by phone at 520-622-2801 x7118

Family Service

​​Work with individuals and families who need clothing, food boxes, and referrals to local agencies and services. Special support needed with holiday food boxes, toys for Christmas, and back to school clothes and shoe drives.

Contact Sonia Lopez 520-622-2801 x7112


​​Work with low income seniors in the Barrio Viejo Elderly Housing Program located across the street from Pio Decimo Center and at Casitas On East Broadway, located at 2121 E. Broadway.  Activities at both sites include art & crafts, health and nutrition education, computer skills, recreation and socialization, shopping and field trips, literacy and other personal enrichment activities.

Contact Maria Antonia Powers 520-623-4999 for Barrio Viejo Elderly Housing

Contact Dorothy Acevedo 520-624-7392 for Casitas On East Broadway

Child Care

All volunteers 18 years and older must be able to get or have fingerprint clearance through the State of Arizona. The volunteer pays the $67.00 fee and is reimbursed after 40 hours of service.

(16-18 year old volunteers if they fill out an application, have a TB test completed, and have current shot records)

16 years of age minimum.

Contact Molly Tylutki 520-622-2801 x7119

John Valenzuela Youth Center

All volunteers 18 years and older must be able to get or have fingerprint clearance through the State of Arizona. The volunteer pays the $67.00 fee and is reimbursed after 40 hours of service. (16-18 year old volunteers if they fill out an application, have a TB test completed, and have current shot records) 16 years of age minimum. Teens (at the JVYC)

Work with teens, age 13 through 18 in an evening program designed to help encourage youth to stay in school and prevent youth from participating in gangs. Activities include team sports and recreation, computer education and homework, social and leadership development, and community/ fundraising events.

Contact Gloria Hamelitz 520-792-9251