Mass and/or Communion Service:
In conjunction with parishes throughout the Diocese of Tucson, Mass and or Communion Service is offered in many nursing homes and long term care facilities throughout the Diocese of Tucson. Services are scheduled on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
In addition to the services offered in nursing homes, each parish has trained Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who can take communion to those that are homebound or are recovering from illness and
cannot attend Mass
Sacrament of Anointing
The Sacrament of Anointing can only be celebrated by a Catholic Priest. The Sacrament involves a special blessing given the individual and then the individual is anointed with oil that was blessed at the Chrism Mass during Holy Week by the Bishop. This Sacrament is a prayer for physical, spiritual or emotional healing. It is available to anyone going through an illness and for the elderly. The sacrament can be repeated should the condition worsen or for a new illness. This Sacrament is given to the living. The priest cannot anoint a person who is already deceased.
The Sacrament of Anointing is celebrated during Mass at the nursing homes approximately every three months. The names of those annointed are registered with the parish whose boundary the nursing home resides as well as the parish where the individual is a parishioner.
Last Rites
Last Rits is not a stand alone Rite. It is part of the Sacrament of Anointing, Viaticum (Communion for the Journey) and Prayers for the Dying. Generally a Priest is called for these Rites. However, with the exception of the Anointing, a Deacon or Lay person can provide the Viaticum and Prayers for the Dying. If an individual has died, a Priest, Deacon or Lay Minister can provided the prayers for the dead.
A family member, or the Chaplain/Social Worker from the nursing home may call the church to request a Priest to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing. To avoid confusion only one person should call the church and then family should be notified that a Priest has been called and when he is expected to arrive. The Church contacted should either be the parish where the individual is a parishioner or the parish in whose boundaries the facility is located. On occasion the nursing facility has called the St Jeanne Jugan Ministry to Elders to request assistance with contacting a Priest.